
The Unrestricted

What writing and speaking have in common

Published over 2 years ago • 1 min read

"To be a great speaker, you need to be a great writer"

In a Ship 30 for 30 webinar, @RobbieCrab gives away his secrets to writing captivating stories that get inside your reader's head.

I've summarised 8 invaluable lessons for you:


  1. Address one person
  2. Use signposting and recaps
  3. Leave room to breathe
  4. Write music
  5. Create emotions
  6. Be yourself
  7. Leverage nostalgia
  8. Add more action

Lesson 1: Your messaging becomes much stronger when you focus on ONE person.

If you are able to connect with one person, what you say will also resonate with people who have similar problems.

Lesson 2: Use sign-posting and recaps.

Basically what Aristotle said ages ago:

"Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them.

This helps the reader to stay on track of what you're sharing. And they'll retain more information.

Lesson 3: Write music

Vary sentence length. Make your sentence sing.

Address the reader's creative side. Robbie believes this also helps information stick longer.

Lesson 4: Give room to breathe

Use silence (or periods and whitespace)

Sometimes the best time to pause isn't at the end of a sentence...

but in the middle of one.

Try it.

Lesson 5: Create emotions

People make decisions based on emotions and rationalise them later.

So ask yourself how you can make people feel in a certain way. Then aim to create that feeling.

Lesson 6: Be yourself

No matter how much you like someone's writing style, don't try to sound like them. You won't pull it off.

Instead, learn from them and build on top of it.

Lesson 7: Leverage nostalgia

Tell a story about your past that people can resonate with.

Sharing an experience in a way that makes the reader feel like it's about them, is the best way to win them over.

Lesson 8: Action

Too many people write from beginning to end. But the start of a story is often boring.

So start in the middle of the action, go back to the beginning and close the loop in the end.

Let's finish with this quote as a reminder.

"If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now."

Writing a bunch of crap takes a few minutes; something meaningful much longer.

If you liked these lessons, please leave a like on the thread below or retweet it for your audience.

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Kjell Vandevyvere
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November 11th 2021

The Unrestricted

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